Privacy Policy (Updated March 9, 2024)

Hello! Welcome to Torn Metal LLC's privacy policy. This is part of our Terms of Service and explains how we handle your information when you use our services.

What Information Do We Collect?

For games and apps that indicate "Data Not Collected" or similar in the app store we only use data collected and provided to us directly from Apple. Otherwise these guidelines apply.

  • About Your Device & Gameplay: We might collect information specific to your device, like what type of phone or computer you have and what version of the operating system it's running. For gameplay, we may collect data such as your scores, the number of level attempts, the length of game time, performance metrics, and which screens you've viewed within our app.
  • App Details: We may gather details about the Torn Metal LLC app(s) you've installed, including what type of operating system you're using it on and which version of our app you have.
  • Information You Give Us: If you reach out to us for help or with questions, we'll keep a record of our conversation to better assist you. We might also use your email to update you on new features or services we think you'd like.

How Do We Use and Share Your Information?

Keeping It Private: Your private information stays that way. We won't share it unless we have to by law, like if we receive a legal request.

Sharing Non-Private Info: We might share information that's not private, like general stats on how our app is used, but nothing that directly identifies you.

Keeping Your Information Safe

We take the security of your information seriously. We use reasonable measures to protect your personal info from being lost, stolen, or accessed without permission.

Updates to Our Privacy Policy

We may update this policy from time to time. Whenever we make changes, we'll post them here, so please check back occasionally to stay informed.